Sunday, 9 May 2010

Weekly Weigh In


Take a ganders at the weight chart (the tabs at the top of the page). Just weighed myself.

218.4lb (15.6st)

Funny really as I didn't think I'd really pressed myself yesterday, and I know from a sneek peek on the scales midway through the week that it was on the up again so this is amazing news for me.

If I can keep this trend going then I can print off the chart to show the diabetic doctors at the end of the month when I go for my next appointment. Trouble is theres my nieces wedding 2 days before that appointment!

Sister if you read this, I want vegetarian everything there ok? Even vegetarian wedding cake.

EDIT: Damn - realised I've just narrowly missed out on my goal of losing 2lb in a week.


  1. I take it that the background picture of a slim chap on a mountain bike is you?

  2. Awesome! 12 pounds down from your start!
